The Story Behind the Name
Habakkuk 2:2CEB
Soulo unites Soul: The spirit and essence of yourself. The piece that makes you AUTHENTICALLY YOU and Solo: For or done by ONE person alone. UNACCOMPANIED to become SOULO: the unaccompanied journey of self-love and authenticity with the purpose of bringing you closer and closer to your personal bounty of God in both self and Love. God is Love.
Drawn from my truth! The essence from which my womanhood was created by exploring the depths of my soul, the most intimate pieces of me. Internally searching my roots, identifying and accepting truth led me to finding myself, loving myself, and embracing all of who I am. Unlocking what genuinely makes me happy, restored, and gives me purpose! I have dedicated my SOLO journey of self-love and growth to traveling to the depths of my SOUL to always stay allied with the pure essence of myself.
– The Soulo Journey
Founder and Creator
I am a Human Expression of God’s Love and Light. I am who God says I am! I may be passive and graceful, and other times passionate and straight in your face!
I haven’t always been this way…One of the biggest battles on MY journey was finding MY confidence, my Inner G until I started to unlock MY WHY! Raised on SURVIVAL; by a single mother, unidentified generational trauma including post-traumatic slavery syndrome on top of mommy, daddy, identity and accountability issues. I BLAMED THE WORLD.
Once I committed to the work the COURAGE I longed for started showing up! I STARTED SURRENDERING IT ALL TO GOD! I thought I wasn’t qualified to receive the love, light, and blessing from God! I wasn’t perfect, I made mistakes, had dysfunction, and no love for self! But see GOD DIDN’T WANT ME PERFECT. Our darkest moments, our most painful memories all have a BIGGER PURPOSE. God uses the Courageous, Committed, and Communal!
Having the COURAGE to embrace all of ME and my Journey took a lot of what Nip said, “HARD WORK AND DEDICATION” COMMITMENT! I had to commit to the Inner Work. It isn’t easy revisiting your pain, and I didn’t wake up every day ready to take it all on but GOD! I am in love with God and Self; after MY TRUTH and DIVINITY.
I am Ashley R. Wood a woman, writer, storyteller, and visual artist. I am the Creator of The Soulo Journey.